Example usage:
In scene view file:
<div id="searchFieldContainer">
<div x-mojo-element="FilterList" id="startSearchField"> </div> </div>
<div id="feedListMain">
<!-- Rotating Feature Story -->
In the scene assistant, the widget is configured by passing in the attributes of the list and specifying the filterFunction:
this.searchFieldAttr = {
itemTemplate: 'storyList/storyRowTemplate',
listTemplate: 'storyList/storyListTemplate',
filterFunction: this.searchList.bind(this),
renderLimit: 70,
delay: 350
this.searchFieldModel = {
disabled: false
this.controller.listen('startSearchField', Mojo.Event.listTap, this.viewSearchStory.bindAsEventListener(this));
this.controller.listen('startSearchField', Mojo.Event.filter,
this.searchFilter.bind(this), true);
This function hides the "regular" list when the user starts typing into the filterList:
// searchFilter (FeedListAssistant) - triggered by entry into search field.
// First entry will hide the main feedList scene and clearing the entry
// will restore the scene.
FeedListAssistant.prototype.searchFilter = function(event) {
if (event.filterString !== "") {
} else {
The search function:
// searchList - filter function called from search field widget to update the
// results list. This function will build results list by matching the
// filterstring to the story titles and text content, and then return the subset
// of the list that corresponds to the offset and size requested by the widget.
FeedListAssistant.prototype.searchList = function(filterString, listWidget, offset, count) {
var subset = []; // Ultimately the results list
var totalSubsetSize = 0; // Used to set counter in Filter Field
// If search string is null, then return empty list, otherwise build results list
if (filterString !== "") {
// Search database for stories with the search string
// and push on to the items array
var items = [];
// Comparison function for matching strings in next for loop
var hasString = function(query, s) {
if(s.text.toUpperCase().indexOf(query.toUpperCase())>=0) {
return true;
if(s.title.toUpperCase().indexOf(query.toUpperCase())>=0) {
return true;
return false;
for (var i=0; i
This function defines what happens when a user taps on a story in the resulting list:
// viewSearchStory - triggered by tapping on an entry in the search results
// list. Will push the storyView scene with the searchList
FeedListAssistant.prototype.viewSearchStory = function(event) {
var searchList = {title: "Search for: "+this.filter, stories: this.entireList};
var storyIndex = this.entireList.indexOf(event.item);
Mojo.Controller.stageController.pushScene("storyView", searchList, storyIndex);