Title: Update Scene from AppAssistant Post by: Geiger on September 09, 2009, 05:35:04 AM
I am trying to update the text on a scene that has already been loaded. However, because it's a background application, I need to do this from the App-Assistant.js I'm new to this forum so if you can help me out, I'll be a lifer! Title: Re: Update Scene from AppAssistant Post by: Geiger on September 09, 2009, 07:41:26 AM
I figured it out. The following assumes that I have a scene called "main" with main-assistant.js containing
MainAssistant.prototype.ChangeMessage = function (NewMessage) ...and main-scene.html containing...{ this.controller.get('Message').update(NewMessage); }
<div id="Message"></div>
AppAssistant.prototype.UpdateMainMessage = function(Message)
{ var appController = Mojo.Controller.getAppController(); var MainStage = appController.getStageProxy("main"); if(MainStage) { MainStage.delegateToSceneAssistant("ChangeMessage", Message); } else { var pushMainScene = function(stageController) { stageController.pushScene("main"); }; appController.createStageWithCallback({name: "main", lightweight: true}, pushMainScene.bind(this), "card"); } MainStage = appController.getStageProxy("main"); if(MainStage) { MainStage.delegateToSceneAssistant("ChangeMessage", Message); } } |