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Home Article Listing iTunes 8.2.1 update breaks Palm Pre compatibility

iTunes 8.2.1 update breaks Palm Pre compatibility

For over a month since the Pre was released, users have been enjoying syncing with iTunes "just as it would an iPod or iPhone", with few exceptions. The subsequent iTunes 8.2 remained Pre-compatible, however with the latest 8.2.1 update, it seems Apple has wised up to the Pre's webOS infiltration of iTunes posing as one of their iPod devices. In cryptic style, they stated that the update "provides a number of important bug fixes and addresses an issue with verification of Apple devices". Palm confirmed the news late yesterday, after their support forums got word of the broken syncing.

However, Pre users are a hardy bunch, and a number of solutions are already on the table. Palm spokesperson Lynn Fox stated eariler that users can transfer the music via USB, stick with a previous version of iTunes that remains compatible, or consider other third-party applications. Users have also suggested using doubleTwist or The Missing Sync software as alternatives. Have you been using iTunes with your Pre, and if so are you doing anything to keep the functionality intact?





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