PreDevCamp continues to grow, with more international destinations being added each week. Cities including Hong Kong, Bangalore, Xiamen, and Zurich, among others have joined the camp, bringing the list of participants just shy of 60 cities.
Recently, more information about the international format of the camp has been posted from Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam), below is a summary:
- Developers from around the world will meet on the same day (right after the release of the SDK), writing code, apps, and performing live demos.
- For those who do not have access to Pre handsets at launch (most locations outside the US with GSM), there will be people stationed in the US to demo the code written in HCMC.
- The code will be shared using github, and live results will be shown on working phones.
- Developers and designers will start with demos and walkthroughs and then start coding for real apps.
- They want to be among the first communities to build working apps (so there should be some friendly competition between camps)
So for camps in locations without access to Pre handsets, it shouldn't be too much of a worry, as long as arrangements are made with US participants to demo your code.
We will bring you more details of this great event as they come about. Want to sign up or organize a PreDevCamp in your area? Check out the Event Guide for more information.
Friday, 06 March 2009