Although it's just a week after the Pre was released, coders have already been busy proving that the Pre has some game. Looks like we may not need to rely on Adobe Flash later this year to bring gaming to the Pre after all.
PlayScreen launches 25 online Pre games, downloadable versions to come
Have a few minutes to spare? PlayScreen, an online gaming hub for mobiles, has ported 25 of their games to the Pre, reports PreCentral. You can start playing for free online at In addition, they have stated that the games will be ported into downloadable apps available in the Palm App Catalog. From the press release:
"With all the excitement over this new phone and operating system we wanted to make sure consumers didn’t have to wait for their favorite games. Reviewers of the Palm Pre have asked, 'Where are the Games?' Well, the games are here, at"
The games can be played instantly via the browser, and are ad-supported. So far, titles include blackjack, solitaire, bowling, sudoku, roulette, backgammon, darts, golf, and more.
Doom ported to webOS, runs well on Pre
For skeptics that feel webOS can't handle an FPS game, think again. Taking a cue from the webOS image released this week, A hacker called Sargund has ported Doom over to the Pre (via the open-source PRDoom), notes Engadget. The game utilizes the DirectFB graphics library to pipe the action through the framebuffer on the Pre, with the process being "fairly trivial", he claims. The game looks to run well so far, so we have high hopes for some demon-blasting action; although we can't say as much for his camera skills (turn your head for the video, after the break).
NES Emulator up and running via Classic
Looks like backwards-compatibility via the Classic Emulator could really pay off in the gaming department, at least while we wait for webOS to come to form. A poster in the Precentral forums was able to get Little John PalmOS (LJP), an NES Emulator, to play on the Pre. While the program in Classic may miss a few frames here and there and have some control issues (holding a virtual button down does nothing after the initial press), it's still pretty sweet to see Super Mario Bros. 3 on the Pre.
Now all they need to do is hammer out the controls and wait for sound support in Classic 1.1 (expected "very soon"), and then we'll be set for some goomba-stomping action while we whistle along with the theme.