An on-screen keyboard found in WebShell, a browser-based SSH client, caused a small stir over a Precentral when screenies of it being used on the Palm Pre were posted. However, the keyboard was discovered to be just part of WebShell, and the excitement quickly dissipated. PreDevWiki has taken notice though, already adding a "landscape virtual keyboard for the web app" to their Development & Tweak Ideas page.
Many reviewers were unimpressed by the ergonomics of the physical keyboard on the Pre, and many users are still left wanting of a virtual alternative. So it would make sense that the possibility of utilizing a keyboard, such as the one in Webshell, as a basis for developing one in webOS has not been overlooked. Also, we should hope Palm has not ruled out a virtual keyboard completely for a future revision. Would you make much use of an on-screen keyboard on the Pre, and if one were developed would you expect it to rival the experience on say, an iPhone?
JWilliams makes this comment
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Travis makes this comment
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
BKEE makes this comment
Sunday, 16 May 2010
I have research a lot of things since I set us the SPRINT contract and I really feel I will like the PALM OS over the the ADROIDS and WINDOWS. But this is my none techy thoughts. I am retired and don't need a desk top like I use to. I have had my dest top for 10 years and I don't want to consider the notebooks, so the little hand helds are just right for me. I have the PDA, the computer and the phone all in one!
I am really glad I was surfing that day when I found that SPRINT was offering the PIXI for FREE. But I am
willing to pay a little to get the PRE.
KLHudson makes this comment
Friday, 06 August 2010
Mitch makes this comment
Friday, 22 October 2010
It also has slide to type, bubble letters, an edit box before sending to the app, programmable quick keys ...
View the coming update on youtube and