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Home Resources Mojo Services API palm://com.palm.calendar/crud - createEvent - Creating New Event

palm://com.palm.calendar/crud - createEvent - Creating New Event

Allows you to create an event on a Synergy calendar.

Example usage (creates event on calendar created in this example):

CalendarAssistant.prototype.createEvent = function(response) {
        if (response)   {
            Mojo.Log.info("Calendar Create ", Object.toJSON(response));
            this.calendarId = response.calendarId;
        this.currentMethod = "Event - Create";
        var currentTime = new Date();
        var startTime = currentTime.getTime();
        this.controller.serviceRequest('palm://com.palm.calendar/crud', {
             method: 'createEvent',
              parameters: {
                calendarId: this.calendarId,
                event: {
                   calendarId: this.calendarId,
                    subject: "Forecast",
                   startTimestamp: startTime,
                   endTimestamp: startTime + 3600000,
                   allDay: false,
                   note: "Cliff Notes",
                   location: "Bluff",
                   attendees: [],
                   alarm: "none"
            onSuccess: this.successEvent.bind(this),
            onFailure: this.failureHandler.bind(this)