pushScene (sceneArguments)
Pushes a new scene, passing in the optional sceneArguments.
sceneArguments can be any number of arguments of any type. They are simply passed through to the target scene.
Example usage:
StageAssistant.prototype.setup = function() {
Mojo.Controller.stageController.pushScene ("first");
Cross-App Launch
You can also in some situations push a scene from another application onto your application's stack for a faster, more seamless transition between apps. This is especially useful if the other application is being used simply to gather a piece of data to be returned to the calling application.
This example shows how you could use the Camera application within your application through a cross-app launch. This requires that you call thepushScene method just as with any scene push, but include sceneArguments that indicate an application launch is required:
this.someAssistant.stageController.pushScene( {appId :'com.palm.app.camera', name: 'capture'}, {sublaunch : true} );
When the picture is taken or canceled, control will be returned back to your scene with a call to the scene's activatemethod, just as with any scene pop. However, unlike the typical scene lifecycle, there will be a response object passed as an argument to the activate method:
CameraAssistant.prototype.activate = function(response){ if (response) { if (response.returnValue) { this.showDialogBox('Picture Taken', response.filename); } else { this.showDialogBox('No Picture', ""); } } else { Mojo.Log.info("Picture not requested"); } };
This example demonstrates launching the People Picker to allow the user to select a contact and return that contact's information to the calling application:
PeoplePickerAssistant.prototype.getContact = function(event){ this.contactRequest = true; this.controller.stageController.pushScene( { appId :'com.palm.app.contacts', name: 'list' }, { mode: 'picker', message: "headerMessage" } ); };
After the user makes a selection from the list, the details are returned to the the calling application through the scene's activate method:
PeoplePickerAssistant.prototype.activate = function(response){ if (response) { if (response.personId) { this.showDialogBox('Contact Received', response.personId); } else { this.showDialogBox('Contact Request Failed', ""); } } else { Mojo.Log.info("No Contact Requested"); } };
Friday, 15 January 2010