With the homebrew scene already bustling and the Mojo SDK released, it was only a matter of time before someone got a native command-line terminal working on the Pre. Precentral notes that the program, currently in pre-alpha stage, allows you to run commands directly on the device. Its primary purpose is the world's first on device homebrew app installer. Below are a couple notes from the developers:
"This is early-alpha software. Consider yourself lucky if it works at all. Many people have put many hours of hard work in to get just this far...now that the first on-device homebrew installation application is available, courtesy of an open source development team, let's see which of the closed development teams working on dedicated GUI front-ends to on-device homebrew installation will be second..."
Head over to webOS-internals for all the deets and operational controls. The latest update (released today) includes increased security, color, arrow keys, automatic scrolling (you can also flick to scroll), and a much-needed ESC hotkey.
Previous Linux homebrew for webOS has included an Apache webserver and enabling the Optware Package Feed. Are there any other Linux programs or functionality that you would like to see on the Pre?
Thursday, 04 February 2010