For those keeping up with Palm Software CTO Mitch Allen, you may be aware that he recently hosted a webcast a couple of days ago titled Application Basics, based on Chapter 2 of the new O'Reilly Palm webOS book. Back in February, we covered his first webcast, titled Developing Applications for webOS: a Preview, in which he went over the intro material in Chapter 1. You may also remember that Allen helped kick off PreDevCamp last month. The next webcast, Unit Testing in Palm webOS, came in July by way of Christian Sepulveda, VP of Pivotal Labs (and one of the Pre launch partners).
If you missed this one, don't fret; the webcast is part of a series (so we can expect to see more), and you can watch the video below. Advanced webOS devs will likely find a lot of familar material here, as Chapter 2 goes over the basic app structure and core SDK dev tools, before delving into an early version of the News app from the book. Eventually, Allen will be guiding us through the creation a complete application. From O'Reilly:
This webcast can be viewed as a companion to the book, Palm webOS: The Insider’s Guide to Developing Applications in JavaScript using the Palm Mojo(tm) Framework, but does not require the book, and is intended for any developer interested in building webOS applications. Each webcast will cover concepts and background material, followed by a detailed example built using a sample application, News. Over the course of the series you will step through the construction of the complete application.
We will keep you posted on future webcasts as they are announced.
UPDATE: The last 15 minutes of the webcast video is missing; O'Reilly is aware of the issue, and a full, revised video should be up by Tuesday.
UPDATE #2 (09/18): The complete video is now available (in two parts) below.
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Friday, 18 September 2009