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Home Article Listing Palm Pre Touchstone dock to cost $69.99?

Palm Pre Touchstone dock to cost $69.99?

Engadget reports today from a computer "somewhere deep inside Sprint", the Palm Touchstone (first in a possible line of Touchstone devices) shows as retailing for $69.99. We'll let the screenshot speak for itself. Although we would expect to pay good money for a first-party accessory, it does seem a little steep, even for an uber-cool charger.

At least it includes the matte battery cover that is required to use it. Would this price affect your decision to buy the Touchstone with your new Pre?



  1. I'd buy Touchstone for this price. I've seen other docks cost at least this much - granted, they also synced data, but the wireless charging has never been done before so it's worth it.
  2. Personally I'll still get one, but it may be a while at $70, especially if the phone ends up $300. If the phone is $200 then getting a touchstone night away world be more feasible
  3. Not if (need my cool gadget fix) but when... will probably wait a couple of months before picking this up.

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