A couple new juicy Sprint internal documents leaked out today, including a 23-page Pre launch guide and a list of webOS apps available at or near launch. Also, guided tours of some of the core webOS apps were posted. The big one is the launch guide, which comes courtesy of Precentral, and is full of Palm Pre info, containing details about pricing, service plans, synergy, new first-party accessories, and more.
Being an internal guide, it also gives tips to employees on how to properly qualify customers, a FAQ, and training resources. Below is a summary of any interesting material; download the full PDF for all the details, and to follow along. You can view the table of contents here.
Pre Launch Guide:
Pricing: To see how Sprint ended up with the $199 price, the breakdown is $549 - $150 (2 year savings) - $100 Instant Rebate - $100 MIR (although Best Buy is making this instant rebate). (Page 2)
New Accessories: In addition to the Touchstone dock for $69.99, there will be a few more first-party accessories (below), including a car charger, wall charger, and a couple cases from $24.99. (Page 6)
Plans: (Pages 7-9)
- Several talk and data plans will be available, including pooled minute plans (business), individual plans (business & consumer), and shared minute plans (business and consumer).
- Plans range from $70-100 for individual plans and $130-190 for shared (2-line) plans.
- You cannot purchase legacy plans, and there is a referral program for friend and family at sprint.com/everythingplus.
- Corporate customers may be eligible for a $100 port-in offer.
Competition: AT&T already has a chart up bashing the Pre, but a new chart casts the Pre features in a better light (below). Of note is that Sprint's $100 Simply Everything plan will save you at least $300/year over the competition (Page 10). More info after the break.
Ordering: (Page 12-13)
- Preorders for the phone will be available this week (Best Buy may also be starting a waitlist if you can't get one on launch day)
- The phone is exchange only (we know you won't want to return it, of course), and parts repair will not be supported.
Launch Events: (Page 14)
- The Palm Pre Launch Party previously reported will be held in 10 Flagship Stores on the evening of June 5 for Premier and Business customers.
- A "Hollywood Event (Palm Event)" is scheduled for June 3.
- A "New York Executive Breakfast" is scheduled for the morning of June 5, for the launch of the "Pre for Business". Customer nomination required.
- Employees are directed to qualify IT Centric businesses and will recommend the Treo Pro instead of the Pre in cases of specific security, management, or feature requirements. (Page 11)
- Sprint Employees must brush up on their Palm Pre and webOS with several internal training courses. (Page 15)
- A customer-facing FAQ is also posted, which should give you an idea of what answers to expect from employees when you buy your phone. (Pages 19-21)
Upcoming webOS applications
Another leaked document has come by way of Engadget, and has a nice list of "Showcase Apps" that should be available for the Pre at or near launch. The list confirms that Slingplayer will be coming to the Pre (previously rumored to be on the fence in regards to webOS). A wide variety of apps are on the list, pictured below. Which of these apps are you most looking forward to?
Pandora, Electronic Arts, SGN, Craig's List, Sling Media, DirectTV, Facebook, MySpace, Match.com, Loopt, Twitter, City Search, Zagat, Fandango, Movietickets.com, Lonely Planet, FlightView, NYTimes, AP Mobile, ESPN, Handmark Stocks, Bank of America, Intuit, Epocrates, WebMD, Salesforce.com, Austin Lane, DataViz, Mark/Space
First-party app walkthrough
Looks like the folks at Palm Goon have the lowdown on some of the key functionality of the Palm Pre. Could they secretly have a Pre already? If so, we would like to be their new best friend.
The articles include tours of several primary apps, including the web browser, memos, tasks, and provides confirmation of an automatic backup feature, notes Engadget. Lots of screenshots are included for your perusal.
Meet the Web Browser
Meet the Memos App
Meet the Tasks App
Things You Might Note Know...
Friday, 22 May 2009
Risin' up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a Palm Pre and I need you Prenatics to survive
So many times, it happens too fast
And then Palm and Garnet changed their passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive
It's the Palm Pre eye of the tiger, it's the cream of the cell phones fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rivals
And the First known Palm Pre Prenatic stalks his prey in the night
And the competition watchin' us with their eye on the tweets!
Face to face, out in the heat
Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry
They stack the odds 'til we take to the street
For we kill with the skill of our WebOS
Risin' up, straight to the top
Have the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now Prenatics not gonna stop
Just a Palm Pre and I need you Prenatics to survive
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Is that something new I have been missing or do you think they mean JavaScript? Probably sloppy marketing people thinking they are the same thing....