Verizon is poised to get the Palm Pre within six months, reports Reuters. They will join GSM rival AT&T, who are also reported to be waiting to get the Pre after Sprint exclusivity ends. "Over the next six months or so you will see devices like Palm Pre and the BlackBerry Storm 2 on the Verizon Wireless network", CEO Lowell McAdam stated during a conference yesterday.
Sprint spokesman James Fisher confirmed the six-month exclusivity of the Pre. "We have the Pre through 2009". This follows up on earlier rumors that the CDMA provider will have the the webOS handset through the end of the year. It also falls in line with their track record of exclusives, usually lasting six to nine months. However it is still a far cry from AT&T's arrangement with Apple, who have had an iPhone exclusive for over three years and are pushing to extend it to 2011, notes mocoNews.
So if you're not currently on Sprint, will you be waiting for the Pre to come to Verizon or AT&T to pick one up?