Looks like the newspapers are also seeing the Pre as the next big thing. Last month, New York Times' columnist David Pogue took a visit to the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, and was generally unimpressed with Apple's latest offerings, which included iPhoto '09 and iMovie '09; he was expecting something bigger from a company "whose track record includes the iPod and the iPhone". But what good did he take away from the event this year?
"There was one smash hit of C.E.S., and it came from a company most people had left for dead: Palm."
Apparently, the tech writers in attendance were buzzing all around the stylish handheld, and people couldn't get enough of it at the convention. He also had good things to say about the synergy feature, that combines all your contacts from Outlook, Gmail, Facebook into "one unified little black book for all".
In comparing it to the iPhone, Progue gives it a favorable plug:
Oh, and the Pre also does away with the usual iPhone gripes. There’s a slide-out thumb keyboard, and it has a wonderful, rubberized clicky feel; you can pop the battery out yourself (the phone is smaller but thicker than the iPhone); and yes, there’s copy and paste. Best of all, there’s no five-year exclusive carrier tie-in with AT&T this time; the phone is only for Sprint, but that’s a limited-time exclusive.
As an outspoken iPhone user, you would think he might side with the Apple fans this time. However he provided some follow-up comments on his twitter, where he not only defended Palm, but suggested that he may switch once the App Catalog becomes established:
Lots asking: "Would you get a Pre over an iPhone?" In a heartbeat--if it weren't for the App Store. If Palm's app store [catalog] shapes up, then YES!
I love how everyone's replying, telling me how the new Palm will be so much worse than iPhone...without ever having even touched it!
David Pogue is the personal-technology columnist for the New York Times, and an Emmy award-winning tech correspondent for CBS News.