Similar to a large family reunion, many generations gathered to fill a long banquet table; both young and old, big and small. Except this time the guests weren't people, but a huge lineup of now "legacy" Palm OS devices. The HKPUG (Hong Kong PDA User Group) has posted photos from a Palm OS farewell party with nearly every Palm OS device on the table, including the Pilot 1000, Handspring and Sony CLIÉ lines, Treo, Centro; even the Palm OS wristwatch made an appearance (almost all were in good working order).
The handheld and smartphone line started with the Pilot line in 1996, and have been instrumental in shaping many devices that came after. Palm cofounder and CEO Ed Colligan stated last month that the 12-year-old Palm OS platform would be discontinued to make room for the webOS platform and Palm Pre. Read on for photos and video from the event.
Via Palm Infocenter
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
I never had a Palm watch but I had an MSN direct watch that came after (could stream things like weather and movie listings). It used an induction charger like the Pre, but it was just too big and clunky. Anyways, I found it interesting to see all the devices in one place, it's an appropriate send-off for the long line of Palm OS