After months and months of build-up and anticipation, less than two weeks from the release of the Palm Pre, it seems preDevCamp is finally going to happen--with a fizzle instead of a bang. The founders of preDevCamp, Dan, Giovani and whurley have each posted their experiences dealing with Palm to their personal websites, and the stories aren't motivational. It seems that either due to lack of foresight, internal bumbling or both, Palm has conveyed enough disinterest in preDevCamp to motivate the three founders to invest their time pursuing other interests instead of continuing to rally hundreds of cities and developers to the webOS platform.
Read about their experiences here:
Giovanni: “Palm doesn’t get it”
Whurley: “Exit Whurley Stage Left”
Dan: “preDevCamp - Palm’s missed opportunity”
While they will be leaving the technical infrastructure supporting the camps intact, there will no longer be a central organizing force behind the event, meaning many of the camps may find themselves without leadership or direction. Any orphaned developers without a camp that are interested in continuing their webOS education are welcome to join the growing developer community here at There are many members in the forums who are actively developing applications for the platform, and we expect to see many more when the SDK is released.
Update: It seems that contrary to the founders' beliefs, Palm is still interested in supporting preDevCamp after all. Lisa Brewster, organizer of the San Diego preDevCamp has been busy talking with Pam Deziel, Palm's VP of Developer Marketing, who has also been in touch with founder Dan Rumney since the apparent parting of ways, with encouraging results. We'll keep tabs on how things progress and post updates here as they come in.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
But I agree Ken, the site you maintain here at is the best site I've found for developers who plan to develop for the webOS platform. Your tutorials and up to date news items are excellent. Keep up the good work!
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Either something really great is being held back, or something really wrong is is going on. Sadly, I'm starting to assume the former, especially with today's rumors that a paltry-few units will be available at launch.
All that said, I'll still probably find myself in line for one on the 6th regardless. Despite all the silly secrecy (which, for the record, I will buy into the moment I sign an NDA
Thursday, 21 May 2009
I know this is the same thing you've heard for months, but great things are coming, and preDevCamp is going to be awesome. Have faith!
Friday, 22 May 2009